We are made just for each other...
We are made just for each other...
Before you came into my world
Darkness and uncertainty reigned supreme
There was no sunshine nor light
The sun refused to rise
The moon and stars failed to wake
I thought I was sentenced to a life of loneliness
But suddenly you appeared
Discarding the gloominess and darkness that surrounded me
You brought life into my world
Your entrance was like the rising of the sun
All forms of darkness dissipated instantly
You remoulded and made me whole
This I know every moment of my day
For the love I have for you is so great
We are made just for each other
Darkness and uncertainty reigned supreme
There was no sunshine nor light
The sun refused to rise
The moon and stars failed to wake
I thought I was sentenced to a life of loneliness
But suddenly you appeared
Discarding the gloominess and darkness that surrounded me
You brought life into my world
Your entrance was like the rising of the sun
All forms of darkness dissipated instantly
You remoulded and made me whole
This I know every moment of my day
For the love I have for you is so great
We are made just for each other